Sunday, April 19

final exam!!!

2 days b4 the final examination? huh, what i need to do now is to study smart n not hard.. but, it's still hard for me.. i have three papers this semester... even so, all of these papers are the killers... 3 credit hours.. that means if i don't perform well, i'll fail....... and the most interesting part is that i only have 1 day gap b4 the 2nd paper... that means now i have to study n prepare for both papers.. actually, i'm a type of person who can't concentrate on 2 important things at the same time... i really can't, but i have to.. what else to do? it's final examination!! i don't know whether i can maintain my result for this sem or not.. honestly speaking, this semester is the hardest of all... 4 courses have no final examination... what eva it is, i need to focus on my study right now n give the best that i could.. the rest i leave it to God.. Insyallah, if we put effort in doing something, we will gain the benefits afterwards.. so, work hard friends... n gud luck for the final examination!!!!

1 comment:

  1. takpe. u mesti da study manyak. i was doing nothing. urk. i feel bad. very badd
