Thursday, July 23

i don't ask much..

is it hard to respect someone else when they deserve it?? may b for some it is.. lately, i always come across people who teach me the ups and downs in life.. thank you to all, even it hurts so much.. when we are doing something which is better known as collaboration, please be considerate.. do think of others esp what they feel when we do this n that.. n please always bear in mind that you are working with human being, not a doll or what eva you may think it is.. my advice is, don't ask after you have done damage, do so before you make any move... then only people will respect you as you wish.. if not, don't ever dream of it.... when you are dealing with people, remember to handle them with care...
~ nota utk renungan b'sama

Sunday, July 5

new start

8.30 tomorrow i will have my first class for this semester.. i can't wait for that moment as i will get the opportunity to meet my long time not see classmates and new lecturers.. i really hope that there is no class that will be cancelled for tomorrow as what happened in the previous semesters.. this is bcoz it is really frustrating when you have prepare yourself physically n mentally to start the new semester but there is no lecturer coming in after hours of waiting.. i really hate that bcoz it will somehow disturb my mood to learn n perform well as at that moment of time the excitement of beginning new start is still high.. as first impression, first class is really important.. by the way, i should not think negatively right now.. what is important is to start this brand new semester with new vision, dream n anticipation.. gud luck friends!!!