Saturday, March 21

sedih nyer..

it's hard for me to get sick.. but, once i got it... it makes me unhappy, not energetic & the most important part is that i can't 'kaco' my housemates anymore... instead, they make fun of me..huhuhu.... i really hope that it won't be for long.. i can't take it anymore, i can't concentrate on my workzzz & the best part is next week will be the most hectic week ever... furthermore, i've arabic speech which i can't think of right now, seriously!! Ya Allah, give me the strenght to deal with this test.. Insyaallah, i do have the believe that i'll recover soon... anyway, friends do pray for me hah.... i don't have anything more to write on i guess...oh, before i forget, this morning i went for 'insak' test for kpm's scholarship.. i really hope that i'll pass this stage & 'invited' for the interview... never mind, 'kalo ade rezki, adalah...' just wait & see!